This is one of the most amazing endurance endeavours I have ever seen. The Aussie Challenge is Reid Anderton aiming to break the current record for travelling around Australia on his bicycle. He has set out to cover 400km per day for 35 days (total of 14,100kms).
As a recreational cyclist, I know what these kind of distances and times translate to (lets just say....alot of pain!). Not even professional cyclists do this amount of riding in their training.....and they get paid to ride!
Reid Anderton is nothing short of a legend. He is truly inspiring and an prime example of how far you can push the human body if you are willing to try. Mental toughness will long outlast your physical limitations.
From his website...
Breaking the Current Record
The Guinness World Record is currently set at 14,183 km (8,813 miles) around the coastline of Australia in 42 days, 8 hours and 25 minutes by Hubert Schwarz (Germany) on the 4th of October 1993. This averages around 337km/day. But there was another record set on the 20th of October 2011 by Dave Alley at 37 days, 20 hours and 45 minutes, or around 377km/day. Let's just say that's a pretty high bar to better and a lot of pain to endure.Reid Anderton who is part of the Challenge for Change team will be attempting to break the record for the fastest solo supported cycle around Australia. Reid is aiming to ride over 400km/day for 35 days - totalling 14,100kms. While he maybe cycling alone, he is hoping many will join the cause and make a difference in the lives of vulnerable children.
Suffering Alone
My (Reid) Challenge is ridiculous; 400km per day for 35 days around Australia. If I make it, it will set a new record for the fastest solo supported cycle around Australia. Everything would have to go my way for this figure to be achieved. Injury, weather (headwinds and rain), logistics, planning or lack of physical/ mental ability will all come into play, meaning my best case scenario could be severely limited, or at worst case, I could fail to complete the entire journey at all.On average I will be on my bike for 16-18 hours per day, burn 15,500 calories (enough to consume 28 Big Macs or 980 over the 35 days!) use 7 sets of tyres and cycle over 14,200km of following a single white line travelling at around 25-30km per hour, by myself. Enough to do anyone's head in!
400km per day – possibly not achievable? But given the right conditions...just maybe!
Why does Reid ride? To raise funds and awareness for kids living in poverty, particularly in Southern Africa, working with Eagles Wings. Abject poverty is a condition that around 2.5 billion people worldwide experience. It basically means they are trying to live or exist on less than $2 per day. I personally have no idea in reality what this feels like, but I have seen the effects and issues related to abject poverty, mostly within Southern Africa. It is not a good story.Your challenge will not be easy either. While I am on a bike for at least 35 days riding 400km per day, your challenge is to simplify your life-style for 35 days in order to raise $400. This way we will all stand in solidarity with children who currently live in extreme poverty raising vital funds and awareness.

To place this in perspective it costs around $12.00 per month to educate a child in Africa. Every day you save $12.00, means ONE month worth of quality education for a child in need.
So take a deep breath, consider the purpose and sign up to simplify your lifestyle for 35 days. Give up the take away coffee, the extra chocolate and maybe that round of golf and before you know it you will have the $400.
Let us know what you have done to simplify your life in order to stand in solidarity with disadvantaged kids and how much you have been able to save as a result. Post your stories on our Facebook page. Encourage and inspire others to participate. A real challenge for your change.
Reid Anderton - Suffering for a Cause He Believes In
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