Friday, 15 February 2013

Valentines Day!

Yesterday was Valentines Day.

I have to admit that I don't like the commercialism of the whole thing very much. It's all about buying the biggest bunch of flowers and showering your loved one with diamonds.

But I do feel that you should (at least) show that special someone that you care about them one day a year!

So what did I get Bianca? Well, I ordered the customary bunch of flowers to be delivered to work. They were a modest mix of Lillie's and pink roses. Not too showy, but nice.

The second present was much more special (in my opinion). I know Bianca loves the movies and she is forever trying to get me to go more often with her. I'm not a big movie person, especially considering they rip you off at every turn. Anyways, I saw that the cinemas near us were having a special package - one off screening of Breakfast At Tiffany's in Gold Class with an assortment of finger food and shared dessert served.

Bianca was really surprised and, from what I can tell, really enjoyed it. The movie itself was pretty good. I had never seen Audrey Hepburn act so that was interesting. Although, Bianca did fall asleep about 10mins from the end of the movie! Hahaha so I had to explain the 'taxi and kiss in the rain' scenes to her afterwards. Oh dear. Maybe next time she will stay awake until the end.

Bianca got me two great presents! I'm not just saying that either - pretty sure she doesn't even read this blog haha.

The first was an electronic photo frame. The idea being I can put all our holiday photos, family pics and even my riding photos on it. Rather than have them hidden away on my hard drive. I also want to mix in some motivational photos so occasionally I can be inspired at my desk. Awesome!

The second was pretty left field haha I would never have guessed it. She got a custom made rectangular cookie with "Be my bumface?" on it. (That's her nickname for me.) I love it because its quirky and I can imagine the raised eyebrow of the person who had to ice the cookie. Bet they never had to write "bumface" in vanilla frosting before!

Happy V-Day!

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