Monday, 21 January 2013

Life - Good and Bad

Shortly I will be adding a post about a big event that I have signed up for. I am really excited about it, not just for the event itself - but for the cause it raises money for.

In 2011 I signed up for the Rio Tinto Ride to Conquer Cancer. It was its first year in Australia, held in Brisbane. The money raised went directly the QLD Medical Institute of Research which performs important cancer research. I managed to raise $2,845 with the help of my friends and family. The cycling challenge part involved riding to Wivenhoe Dam, camping overnight, then returning back to Brisbane (240kms round trip). It was a tough ride with alot of hills, not to mention it stormed on the return journey. But I loved the challenge of it. At the time, it was the biggest cycling acheivement I had ever done. My next event dwarfs that ride.

While I have never had to deal with the harsh realities of Cancer, there are quite a few of my friends that have. Bianca's Dad, my Nan, two of my friends Mums and a friend from work - they have all had to stare Cancer in the face. Some have managed to beat it and live on....and sadly some have not. Some are still locked in battle.

For me, being exposed to Cancer sufferers, has changed the way I think about life. I never used to worry to much about what I did day-to-day. I would just float around doing whatever I wanted without much thought about the 'big picture'. However, I now find myself wanting to ensure that should the worst happen to me - I can be proud and happy with the life I have lived. This can mean different things to different people - but for me, it includes (but isn't limited to):
  • Making sure I spend time with those I love - friends and family. 
  • Making sure I make time for the activities I find fun - cycling is one of them.
  • Healthy body & healthy mind - good diet, low stress, good nights sleep etc.
  • Trying new things and challenging myself (physically and mentally). And
  • Every now and then - do something for someone else. Something I believe in.
I may add more things to that list as I go on. But I think its a good start.

Make the most of life - its the only one you have.

 At the finish of 2011 RTCC - High on Life

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